
Embrace colors in colorful staged living room

Embrace Color!!

Step out of your comfort zone, be bold, let your personality shine. Interior design is an expression of who you are - your home should be your sanctuary.
I see and walk many homes and let me tell you I am sooo sick of seeing the same brown couch, dark wood tables, brown beds and rugs in every home. I can tell exactly where you got a piece of furniture in town based on the fact that everybody has the same pieces.
*Mostly from RC Willey!!*
Stop buying things because you want to “fit in” with what everyone else is doing.
Let’s make your home stand out!
Contact us for your next project!

What's Your Flavor?

Morning coffee makes things better. Comics styled yellow suit. Modern design, contemporary art collage. Inspiration, idea, trendy urban magazine style.

Get In Touch

7750 West 4th Street #114
Reno, NV 89523