
Staged furniture living room

Benefits of Staging A Home

Having your home staged for sale is worth considering.

There are a number of benefits to staging, including:
-Help your listing stand out online.
It’s important to do everything you can to stand out. Professionally staged homes are eye-catching and can encourage more buyers to consider your property, even before they see it in person.
-Make your home feel aspirational.
It’s important that the home shopper falls in love with the property they ultimately choose to buy. You can help create that emotional connection between a buyer and your home by staging it. Professional color combinations, smart layouts and unexpected pieces help the buyer develop positive feelings about the space and imagine living in it.
-Show ways to use extra rooms and funky floor plans.
When a room is completely empty, it can be tough to envision how it might be used. That’s especially true if there’s an unusual layout or dated features. Staging can help buyers see the potential of a room and how to get the most value out of it. Plus, empty rooms can actually look smaller than they really are; staging can help them appear larger.
-Increase the selling price.
Staging not only tends to help move properties faster, you could end up selling for higher than expected. Even in the current busy market we’re experiencing staging is completely necessary. Staging has shown to bring 20-50% more money than unstaged homes in hot and cold markets, don’t leave money on the table. Staging works and will always net you more money.


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Reno, NV 89523